False eyelashes are part of the ballroom look (and secretly one of the things we LOVE about ballroom dancing!). You can purchase eyelashes fairly in expensively (see previous blogs) but even purchasing drugstore lashes and only using them once will eventually add up. If you take care of your lashes you can use them, minimally 4-5 times and possible for much longer. One of the secrets is to take them off at the end of the day and care for the as below. The trick is that your tired after a long day of competition or a rehearsal and show and cleaning eyelashes is not high on the priority list. Let me encourage you to do it anyway – if you want to reuse them. You will save money and reduce chances an of eye infection as well!
Here are 6 basic steps to caring for your false eye lashes:
- Remove lashes gently from your eyes starting from one corner
- Immediately peel off any glue residue (dried glue makes the lash stiff and hard to reuse)
- Dip a cotton swab in OIL FREE makeup remover
- Lay the lash on a kleenex and gently rub the individual lashes in one direction
- Turn over and repeat until no more mascara or makeup comes off on to a clean section of kleenex
- Place the lashes back on the original container making sure they are stuck to the half moon shape to assure they keep their shape.

Debi Camp
Co-owner of DDC
Debi enjoys everything about the ballroom atmosphere, especially the community and friendships built on the dance floor over the last 6+ years. She is a full time nurse and IT trainer, amazing mother and grandmother. Her joy and hope are contagious. Spending time around her and reading her articles are sure to make you smile.